Wilde returns to direct after her acclaimed debut in ‘Super Nerds’ with a science fiction psychological thriller that takes us to a seemingly utopian community of the 50s where a young housewife (Pugh) discovers that the reality around her is not as perfect as it seems and that under the perfect suburban facade in which she lives hides a very dark truth that begins to come to light, which will lead her to investigate what is happening, plunging into a real nightmare. An intense advance with Florence Pugh and Harry Styles raising the temperature based on good, which only continues to increase expectations in the face of what promises to be one of the most talked about films of the year.
officially releases the first trailer for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’, the new film directed by Olivia Wilde, whose title confirmed for Spain is ‘Do not worry dear’. It’s here! After causing a stir at the recent CinemaCon (incident on stage included), Warner Bros.